Saturday, August 04, 2007

a rose by any other name would smell as sweet

My roomate just got a book, The Secret Universe of Names by Roy Feinson, that is based on the idea that words evolve into our language and culture because the sounds in these words evoke a particular emotional resonance in humans. When speaking, we have to make certain facial expressions to form sounds. These facial expressions reinforce the emotional response from the listener. Feinson hypothesizes from this that the reactions people have to these sounds in our own names can affect our self-image and the expectations other people have of us. Below is what this book says about me.

VK names: Youthful, Sensitive, Devoted - Manipulative, Conflicted, Hypersensitive

Because the letter V is the icon of virility and vitality and the K (or hard C sound) is the symbol of forceful action we find in king, kill, kick, Kaiser, kidnap and knock, when these two letters are combined in a word the result is the dynamism found in the words Viking, viscount, victory and Valkyries (the battlefield maidens of Norse mythology). Typically, we find a strong contradiction embedded in the personalities of those who bear the VK names-their personalities are alternately alluring and slightly dangerous-depending on the mood of the moment. Those who choose to end their names with the feminizing, high pitched Y, I or IE (Vicky) are signaling themselves to be somewhat more playful versions of the otherwise uncompromising VK names; creating a bit of uncertainty as to the VK's true motives.

It could be said that the VKs have a simplistic view of the universe reminiscent of the fierce idealism of middle adolescence. VKs are the champions of right, the first to point out shortcomings in others but also the first to give support when it's needed. They seem born with the ability to manipulate their environments, a trait which stands them in good stead in their personal lives, but which doesn't win them many allies in the workplace.

Although they're forceful at times, VKs also have a strangely powerful magnetic appeal-their playful sensuality and stunning smiles could disarm the NRA. But VKs aren't about to rely only on their charms for resources. Their recipe for success calls for finding other people's buttons and pushing them until they get what they want. VKs have the advantage here. Their control is subtle and their playful behavior distracts people while they're being outmaneuvered. Still, most of the time when a VK is being charming and friendly, it's not an act. They have big hearts and even bigger hopes for you. In any event, it's not all bad if you find yourself succumbing to a VK's will; they're quite generous in rewarding those who toe their line.

Marriage to a VK will be a treat for anyone who craves unconditional love and doesn't mind adhering to someone else's ideals. But make no mistake; if VKs believe that their partners aren't as committed as they are, they'll be out faster then a Taliban in Texas. But when their mates are dedicated to common ideals, VKs will do everything in their power to create a stable and loving environment in which both can reach their full potential.

Not half bad! Some sounds like me, other stuff, I'm not so sure. My roommate and I were thinking it would be a cool experiment to go through the book and pick out the names that seem like they are the coolest, most well rounded people and name any future kids with these names. Then, later on in life, go back and read the book to see if they turned out the way the book said they would.

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